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Veer (Hydbrid)

Plant type : Determinate
Days to 1st Harvest: 65 days after transplant.
Fruit shape: Elongated
Fruit Weight: 100-120 grams.
Disease resistance: TYLCV, TSWV, ToMV
Features: Tall Determinate plants with exceptional vigour, extreamly good heat set ability and very firm fruits, has great disease resistance package. Great for summer season cultivation.

Satyam (Hybrid)

Plant type : Semi Determinate
Days to 1st Harvest: 65-70 days after transplant.
Fruit shape: Oval
Fruit Weight: 90 grams.
Disease resistance: ToLCV
Features: Semi determinate growth habit with vigorous growth, strong stem very firm fruits with good keeping quality suitable for distant transportation.

Swaraj 1516 (Hybrid)

Plant type : Determinate
Days to 1st Harvest: 70 days after transplant.
Fruit shape: Oval
Fruit Weight: 80-90 grams
Disease resistance: TLCV & Bacterial Wilt
Features: Determinate plants with very early fruing Performs well all round the year.

Ustaad Plus (Hybrid)

Plant type : Semi Determinate
Days to 1st Harvest: 60-65 days after transplant.
Fruit shape: Flattish Round
Fruit Weight: 100-110 grams
Disease resistance: Highly resistant to ToLCV
Features: This variety is highly producve and performs well in various sowing seasons. It offers medium tall plants, maintains good fruit size and shape throughout the producon cycle.

Ustaad (Hybrid)

Plant type : Semi Determinate
Days to 1st Harvest: 60-65 days after transplant.
Fruit shape: Flat Round
Fruit Weight: 90-100 grams.
Features: Strong plants bear flattish round fruits, ideal for the fresh market.

Omni 2525 (Hybrid)

Plant type : Determinate
Days to 1st Harvest: 60 days after transplant.
Fruit shape: Round
Fruit Weight: 90 grams.
Features: Flat round firm fruits with sour taste, Green Shoulder, early maturing hybrid. Use for Fresh market.

Vaibhav (Hybrid)

Plant type : Semi Determinate
Days to 1st Harvest: 65 days after transplant.
Fruit shape: Round
Fruit Weight: 110 grams
Features: : Strong Plant Vigor, Acidic fruits with concentrated fruit set, uniform round shape throughout. Good Resistance to ToLCV.

Rudraksh (Hybrid)

Plant type : Indeterminate
Days to 1st Harvest: 70-75 days after transplant.
Fruit shape: Oblate Round
Fruit Weight: 100-120 grams.
Features: Indeterminate, tall vigorous plants with very high yielding potential, long crop duration, excellent disease resistance package.

Bhaskar (Hybrid)

Plant type : Semi Indeterminate
Days to 1st Harvest: 65-70 days after transplant.
Fruit shape: Oval
Fruit Weight: 90 grams
Features: Oval Fruit with good toughness, Prolific bearer, uniform fruit size after successive pickings, showing tolerance to ToLCV.
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